International Conference: AMMCS-2013

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 26-30, 2013

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AMMCS-2013 Venue: Wilfrid Laurier University Campus in Waterloo, Canada


Minisymposium (ID: SS-DFT)

Density Functional Theory

Organizers: Ian Hamilton (WLU), Paul Ayers (McMaster), Viktor Staroverov (Western)

Density functional theory is a rapidly growing area of computational chemistry and physics. It is used for modelling the properties of materials ranging from atoms and molecules to clusters and nanostructures. In this minisymposium we focus on the development of mathematical methods to improve and extend the utility of density functional theory.

Please note the ID code assigned to your presentation (identical to the ID code of your accepted abstract). It is required for submitting your paper for the AMMCS-2013 Proceedings. Submission is not mandatory. All submitted papers will be refereed and only accepted papers will be published in the AMMCS-2013 Proceedings.

If you intend to submit your paper, please go to the AMMCS-2013 Proceedings Page. Follow exactly the Author Instructions accessible from that page.

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